Since its inception, the ICPA has been instrumental in nurturing a learning community. With experience and knowledge, the ICPA administrators communicated true Islam to the hundreds of thousands of Australian Muslims. They brought awareness about the difference between guidance and misguidance. This resulted in an awakening and a community interest to, further seek the true Islamic knowledge. The ICPA equipped the growing pool of future educators with credible religious resources and mentoring programs. Prepared with knowledge and skill, the religious educators taught Islam in various suburbs and venues across the country. Among these programs are:
• The Islamic Scripture program, implemented at NSW public schools.
• Saturday Arabic & Cultural Schools’
Saturday ICPA schools operate in various public schools across the states, teaching the Arabic language, pure Islam and Qur’anic recitation.
Other icons of academic success accredited to the intuitiveness of the ICPA are the award winning Islamic private colleges, Al-Amanah Bankstown, Al-Amanah Liverpool and Salamah in Sydney, and Glenroy Islamic College in Melbourne. Their establishment motivated more young Muslims to pursue tertiary degrees in support of their community colleges.
Through their meritorious curriculum and educational programs, these schools have developed a learning community of nearly ten thousand members.
These schools have also been recognized by the mainstream media and government officials as fortresses for the moderate teachings of Islam, free from radical ideologies and extremism.
The establishment of Darulfatwa Australia will remain among the ICPA’s proudest and most aggrandized triumphs, for its scholarly supremacy.
Since its foundation in 2005, Darulfatwa has maintained its class as the house of Islamic edicts. Also known as the High Islamic Council of Australia, it is an institute of nobilities, scholars and Imams.
It specializes in deducing fatwas from indisputable moderate Islamic references and providing a platform to train and mentor Australian Imams. Dozens of men and women graduate every year from the highly acclaimed Al-Azhari Course administered by Darulfatwa Australia.
The ICPA’s commitment to enriching the Muslim community with knowledge and increasing the population of a learning community will continue to grow.